Friday, April 24, 2009

CafePress is Confused

I came home from watching a very cool movie on Earth Day, Rivers and Tides, to browse through my email and find an email from Cafe Press, where I have my fantasy art for sale on t-shirts, mugs, mousepads etc. It was a very strange email, which frankly didn't make much sense. Poor Cafe Press, they think they are a licensing and manufacturing company. Nope, they are merely a printing vendor for artists.

In one foolish move they changed their business model, and are going to lose buckets of money as a result. They decided that I only need to get 10% of anything they sell in the marketplace of my artwork. Nope, sorry, that's my artwork and I get to decide how much I make off of it. So I'm off to Zazzle to set up shop there instead. See Cafe Press? You are just a vendor and selling venue for me as an artist.

I LEFT traditional licensing behind me, with some very few exceptions, because of the low pay-out. And guess what? I was getting more from CafePress in a month than I did in a year at other places. Now I'll be getting those checks from Zazzle instead.

Are you a CP SK and need a pep talk? Visit the AngelCityArt Blog, cause she's been there, done that. Helloooo Zazzle!!!

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