Friday, October 31, 2008

Brightly Woven

Tonight I went to a lovely party, the Fifth Anniversary of Eye of Horus, Inc. where I partook of yummy cake and a little red wind in their gallery. I had a fun time talking with friends both old and new, and my husband was able to get away from work for about a half an hour and joined us all. It was after he left that I fell into a gestalt with my artist friend Paul Rucker while we talked about art and energy and living an ecstatic life.

It is an extraordinary thing talking with other like minded people, and Paul is such a joy to be around. His enthusiasm for sharing his visions through his art really inspired me and I'm glad I have the whole weekend ahead of me to let that conversation take root in my psyche. So much of my life right now, the work-a-day world, is anything but ecstatic and visionary. I received a most welcome infusion of color laughter and concepts tonight, and I'm extremely grateful to Paul for reminding me that this is what life is about, this is what art is about. It's about bringing the visions I see when I close my eyes out for everyone to enjoy. So the energy goes full circle.

My visions bring healing and wisdom into my own life, and painting ignites that very same thing again in the experience of creating a new work of art. You see the vision is never static, what comes out of the brush is merely an interpretation of what inspired the painting itself. It's a wonder to me that I would come in close contact with such an extraordinary artist as Paul, and that we have a mutual respect for each other's work and unique vision. Tonight was a good night for the state of my art as a whole, for my vision of becoming a whole person, both Reiki Artist and Oil Painter, and my purpose on this earth this time around.

Thank you Paul!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

They remind me a bit of Therese Nielsen.

I would have liked to come but I spend all night trying to get a sink unclogged instead :(